Logistics and supply chain management

Role Of logistics and supply chain management In 2022

What is Logistics?

Logistic is an important aspect of supply chain management. It entails the planning, execution, and management of goods, services, and information from point of origin to point of consumption. Logistics coordinates the complex pattern of traffic and transportation, shipping and receiving, import and export operations, warehousing, inventory management, purchasing, production planning, and customer service. Companies see logistics as a critical component of the supply chain. It is used to manage, coordinate, and monitor the resources required to move products in a smooth, timely, cost-effective, and dependable manner.

What exactly are logistics operations?

Logistics operations are an important part of the supply chain because they refer to the process of moving finished goods from the manufacturer to the end user. The entire inbound and outbound logistics process entails managing ecommerce inventory as well as fulfilling and shipping orders. Inventory management, warehousing, and order fulfilment are all critical components of optimizing ecommerce logistics. While larger corporations may have dedicated logistics directors to manage logistics operations, smaller business owners are more likely to handle it themselves.

How Logistics Can Aid in Improving Efficiency and Cutting Costs

Logistics became an essential component of supply chain management and consumer demand as the global economy entered the twenty-first century. Logistics management system has influenced product movement to meet or exceed consumer demand in less than two decades. Companies saw that by managing logistics on a system theory and managing the company as a whole to boost performance, they could reduce costs and increase productivity.

By forming alliances with suppliers, shipping companies, and warehouses, and connecting these services via automated systems, the logistics of getting products to consumers are improved, resulting in lower overhead costs and faster delivery. Understanding how the logistics system theory works necessitates strategic planning when calculating what will be required while focusing on obtaining materials and managing how quickly products are produced in order to ensure timely delivery to the consumer.

Simplifying communication and services between departments contributes to the development of a workflow blueprint that reduces costs by increasing visibility and improving overall understanding of company needs. Cost savings are achieved by lowering warehousing costs and purchasing based on supply forecasts, improving inventory management, dependable shipping, and timely delivery to the end user.

Supply Chain Management (SCM)?

Supply chain management (SCM) is one of the primary methods for optimizing the budgets of businesses that produce goods and/or services. It is an area of business where innovations and digital disruption have the potential to drastically change the way people do business. On the other hand, transformation is quite complex and necessitates specialized knowledge.

At the same time, logistics – the management of physical, informational, and human flows to optimize them and avoid unnecessary waste of resources – plays a significant role in supply chains.

We will discuss the critical role of logistics management in supply chain management, which includes a large number of suppliers, transit points, and points of departure and destination. A better understanding of SCM can shed light on how to automate routine processes and what goals should be set before developing appropriate software.

What Is the Distinction Between Logistics and Supply Chain?

It is not appropriate to use the terms logistics and supply chain interchangeably. Logistics is a relatively narrowly focused concept (narrower than SCM) that simply refers to the globalization of resource management — from every local unit to the entire network of production points.

Supply chain management, on the other hand, is a more complex category. Supply chain management incorporates logistics and thus performs end-to-end optimization – that is, not only within the enterprise but also when collaborating with counterparties.

The goal of effective logistics management is to maximize the company’s competitiveness and profitability, as well as the entire network structure of supply chains, including the end-user. In this regard, the integration and introduction of innovations into supply chain and logistics processes should aim to increase the overall productivity of all participants.

Logistics Functions In Supply Chain Management

We can identify the following functions by systematizing all areas of logistics that need to be developed for the rational management of production resources:

Design and management of warehouses

This role of logistics in supply chain management encompasses several tasks at once, beginning with the design of storage facilities and ending with the introduction of various automation solutions (for example, machinery intended for transporting goods within warehouses).

Package construction.

Packaging, tracking, and accounting are all tasks that enable complete control of goods on their way to the customer/distributor.

Product transportation.

This includes working with cargo carriers and vehicles in the company’s fleet to plan their routes, calculate fuel costs, and so on.

Taking care of customs.

When an enterprise plans international delivery of goods, it is critical that the goods fully comply with customs requirements and contain all necessary documentation during transportation.

Working with middlemen.

Intermediaries in logistics are any third-party, non-company resources directly involved in supply chain implementation. Finding intermediaries with the most acceptable quality-to-cost ratio of services, as well as establishing long-term, dependable relationships with them, are also on the list of tasks for an efficient logistics management function.

Working with returned and written-off goods.

There is also “reverse logistics,” which establishes the rules and routes for transporting returned/discarded goods, as well as methods of disposal.

Challenges In Supply Chain Management Helped By Logistics

Given the above list of logistics tasks in supply chain management, we can identify several benefits provided by proper implementation:

Cost-cutting measures for the business.

In supply chain management, the primary function of logistics is to increase the overall value of each delivery, as measured by customer satisfaction. This means that labor resource reduction and optimization must be linked to maintaining a certain level of quality customer service. This issue is addressed by both reducing total labor resources (primarily by eliminating unnecessary chain links) and implementing automation solutions.

Volumes of traffic are being consolidated.

Transportation costs are one of the most significant expenses in logistics management. They generally rise in proportion to the distance travelled, batch size, and product exposure to damage. In the long run, however, the transportation cost per unit of weight decreases as lot size increases. As a result, maximizing transportation volume consolidation can assist in lowering transportation costs. Enlargement can be accomplished by combining small lots into a single large one designed for a long run (i.e., a longer distance).

Improving the level of service.

In terms of service quality, it is primarily influenced by the speed with which goods are delivered to the end-user, as well as their transportation in proper conditions (for example, many products today are supplied with tags, allowing both the manufacturer and the end customer to track whether all storage conditions are being observed during the transportation of the goods) and within the allowed time limits (this refers primarily to perishable goods)

Actual losses are reduced, as are potential risks.

As you are aware, a business is profitable if the value it creates exceeds the costs associated with activity implementation. To gain a competitive advantage, a company must either perform these activities at a lower cost or perform them in a way that leads to differentiation and price increases. The first step toward effectively resolving this issue is to reduce the losses associated with product returns.

It is critical to plan not only the routes to the distributor or end-user, but also the routes by which the goods are returned to the warehouse or establishments for disposal.

Reduced reliance on intermediary services.

The majority of the cost of implementing supply chains is borne by intermediary services (transportation, storage, marketing, recycling, and so on). Experienced logisticians plan routes to reduce the need for third-party services in order to achieve efficient logistics management.

Goods must be accompanied by the necessary documentation. Insurance and documentation support are two fundamental logistics tasks, the resolution of which helps to eliminate any problems associated with legal restrictions in the storage, transportation, and marketing of goods.

Response to changing market demands in a timely manner.

Advanced logistics scenarios also assist in quickly adapting to changing market requirements and, as a result, maintaining top positions against competitors and remaining in demand for the target audience.

Logistics Provides Values To The Supply Chain Business

Supply chain management using logistics tools helps to ensure a consistent high level of customer service while lowering the cost of extracting raw materials, storing, transporting, and selling goods/services to end users. As a result, the role of logistics Solutions in supply chain management carries the following values:

ensuring that all parts of the supply chain run smoothly

Continuity of workflow is a quick step toward both cost reduction and increased overall customer satisfaction. Typically, this is accomplished through careful planning and the development of a fault-tolerant scheme of interaction between the individual supply chain links.

coverage of a new target audience

Increasing overall customer satisfaction is a quick way to spread word of mouth about your brand. Another advantage is that such advertising (which is also one of the most effective methods) is completely free for you.

net cost reduction

By removing many intermediary links in the supply chain, you can reduce the net cost of a product or service and thus increase its availability to the end user.


The process of getting the right product to the right place at the right time is referred to as logistics. To meet consumer demands, logistics within supply chain management is constantly changing. Customers frequently order products using products to arrive within 24-48 hours. To meet these expectations, businesses must improve their supply chain logistics to expedite order fulfilment and quickly ship the item via the most dependable, cost-effective, and timely means. When businesses create a blueprint that outlines the logistics of the supply chain, each component within that blueprint stays focused, reduces costs, and moves quickly and efficiently, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. Logistics assists businesses in understanding their supply chain’s key metrics, core processes, and long-term goals.

As you can see, supply chain management and logistics are two inseparable concepts that help reduce the company’s overall costs for producing goods and services while also improving your target audience’s overall impression of the level of service. The selection of the appropriate software is also important in optimizing logistical tasks. After all, automation is now at the cutting edge of industrial enterprise development.

Please contact us at Quickmove if you are interested in developing a customized solution for your business, particularly for optimizing supply chains and solving logistics problems.